
Friday, November 23, 2012

Hello Weekend!

Well, thank goodness the weekend is here!  It has been an ok week and Wednesday night a few of us stitchers were out at Pennie's and a good time was had.  It was nice to see one of our stitchers, Laura, who we have truly missed seeing out and I was very glad to see her.  I hope we can see more of her in the New Year.

This weekend I plan to do as little as possible and see what may happen over the next couple of days.  It sometimes is nice and relaxing to take things as they come and then one doesn't feel too overwhelmed by everything that can be planned. 

I am slowly trying to make my Christmas list and see just how much is left there to do.  Todd and I have scaled down our Christmas gift extravaganza and I have been trying to slowly get things started so as not to be overwhelmed later on.

I hope with this cold weather approaching  everyone has a good weekend and stays safe and has Happy Stitching!

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